Sunday, February 7, 2010

Romulus Whitaker TED talk

The name of the speaker is Romulus Whitaker
The real danger lurking in the water.

“The gharial and king cobra are two of India's most iconic reptiles, and they're endangered because of polluted waterways. Conservationist Romulus Whitaker shows rare footage of these magnificent animals and urges us to save the rivers that sustain their lives and our own”.

To me this talk was very important and makes me wish more people felt the sameway about trying to preserve nature as he does. It hits home for me because I am a huge reptile fan and it makes me sad that we could possibly lose one of the most iconic retiles in the world. No matter who you are everyone knows what a cobra is and if we lose them we will never be able to get them back and that goes the same with the gharial. These animals are really no threat to us they are solitary and for the most part stay to themselves. They just want to be left alone and do there own thing and we should do everything in our power to make sure they live long and healthy lives in the wild.
Mr. Whitaker’s talk was very well worded with many of examples and pictures to explain the impact we are having in India and water ways around the world.

The Dragon Chronicles
Interview: Rom Whitaker, Reptile Expert

It was an interview just talking about him his a past, venomous snakes, bites and his love for reptiles.

Romulus Whitaker: Mixing films and conservation in India

It’s about his film career, video taping animals for documentaries and wildlife conservation.

Unconventional conservationist
Rolex awards supporting enterprising individuals

A brief overview of his past and it talks about his conservation efforts. It talks about him living in Agumbe, India and his work he is doing there.

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